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110 mm Parking Block
Yellow ABS Road Stud,
Loto Spring Post
White Ratchet Type Safety Helmet (Pack of 10)
20cm Probe
StingLE Leatherette Fabric Dental Stool
Torq Control Universal Torque Wrench
Fresh Strawberry 75g Plastic jar
Standard Bedside Locker
Instrument Trolley with 56cm SS Tray
1680x2450mm 4 Fold Bedside Screen
Mild Steel Powder Coated IV Stand
Blue Examination Table with Mattress
Electrically Operated Side Lift Mechanism Base Less Dental Chair
Mechanically ICU Bed with ABS Panel
22.5cm Mathieu Speculum
Metzenbaum-Nelon Scissor
Intestinal Clamp Longitude Serrated
132-12 Clutton Urethral Dilators
12 Foils 0 USP 152cm Trugut Chromic Plain & Chromic Absorbable Catgut Suture Box